Friday, June 30, 2023

semitic proverbs: What does it really mean, The end is near ?

semitic proverbs: What does it really mean, The end is near ?:    The saying, " The end is near" does not mean the destruction of the Earth. Genesis, Ch-8: 22...explains that the , planting and...

Monday, June 26, 2023

semitic proverbs: A psalm of praise, N umber. 8.

semitic proverbs: A psalm of praise, N umber. 8.: Verse 1. Jehovah our God, How majestic Your name is in all the Earth.Your diginty is above the Heavens.Verse2. Out of the mout...

A psalm of praise, N umber. 8.

Verse 1. Jehovah our God, How majestic Your name is in all the Earth.Your diginty is above the Heavens.Verse2. Out of the mouth of chrildren you have declared your strength. Because of the hositilty of those that do not respect you. You may yet learn His God ship.Verse Verse 3. When I see your Heavens, and the work of your fingers The moon and the stars you have made. Verse 4. What is man that you keep us in mind, And care for our chrildren ? 5. You also made him a little lower than the Angles.And with glory and splender, You crowned us.You made us caretakers over all your creations.6.All the Animals , Birds, sea creatures 0f the Oceans. and All plant life ar0und the Earth.8. Oh Jehovah, How majestic your name is in all the Earth. I invite you to read this Psalm in your Bible. And visit e 5.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

semitic proverbs: Are we prepared for the worst?

semitic proverbs: Are we prepared for the worst?:                                        Many millions of People around the World are longing for relief from all the turmoil and anxiety from...

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

semitic proverbs: A prayer of hope. Number 4.

semitic proverbs: A prayer of hope. Number 4.: Verse 1 When I pray answer me, oh my righteous God. ...

A prayer of hope. Number 4.

Verse 1 When I pray answer me, oh my righteous God. Provide me escape. from my anguish.Show me favor and hear my prayer. Verse. 2 How long will you people turn my integrity into degradation. Verse 3 How long w ill you pursue what is worthless. And what is dalse? Know that God will treat his loyal With favor.God will hear their call to him. Verse 4 Be angry but do not sin. Have your say on your bed, and have relief. Versr 5 Offer your sacrifices of righteousness and TRUST GOD Versr 6 Many people, say. Who shows anything good ?Let the light of God's goodness shine on your face. Verse 7 You my God, Have filled my heart with great joy Versr 8 Your people will will lie down in peace, And You alone God, provides my security. I invite ALL people to read this Psalm in your Bible. And visit

Saturday, June 3, 2023


semitic proverbs: WISDOM PROVERBS FOR OUR TIMES: Proverbs chapter 14- verse 16. The wise one will turn away from wrong doing.But the impulsive is self confident. ...


Proverbs chapter 14- verse 16. The wise one will turn away from wrong doing.But the impulsive is self confident. Verse 17. Those that are quick to anger, will act foolishly. And a person of wickedness is hated. Verse 18. The naive will suffer many abuses in life. The person that thinks things through,will increase knowledge. Verse 19. The evil will bow before the good, And the wicked knell to the righteous. Versr 20. The poor one will be looked down om, But the rich will have many friends.

semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ?

semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ? :                                                                             ...