Monday, June 26, 2023

A psalm of praise, N umber. 8.

Verse 1. Jehovah our God, How majestic Your name is in all the Earth.Your diginty is above the Heavens.Verse2. Out of the mouth of chrildren you have declared your strength. Because of the hositilty of those that do not respect you. You may yet learn His God ship.Verse Verse 3. When I see your Heavens, and the work of your fingers The moon and the stars you have made. Verse 4. What is man that you keep us in mind, And care for our chrildren ? 5. You also made him a little lower than the Angles.And with glory and splender, You crowned us.You made us caretakers over all your creations.6.All the Animals , Birds, sea creatures 0f the Oceans. and All plant life ar0und the Earth.8. Oh Jehovah, How majestic your name is in all the Earth. I invite you to read this Psalm in your Bible. And visit e 5.

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