Tuesday, June 6, 2023

A prayer of hope. Number 4.

Verse 1 When I pray answer me, oh my righteous God. Provide me escape. from my anguish.Show me favor and hear my prayer. Verse. 2 How long will you people turn my integrity into degradation. Verse 3 How long w ill you pursue what is worthless. And what is dalse? Know that God will treat his loyal With favor.God will hear their call to him. Verse 4 Be angry but do not sin. Have your say on your bed, and have relief. Versr 5 Offer your sacrifices of righteousness and TRUST GOD Versr 6 Many people, say. Who shows anything good ?Let the light of God's goodness shine on your face. Verse 7 You my God, Have filled my heart with great joy Versr 8 Your people will will lie down in peace, And You alone God, provides my security. I invite ALL people to read this Psalm in your Bible. And visit JW.org

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semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ?

semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ? :                                                                             ...