Wednesday, May 24, 2023

semitic proverbs: A SERIES OF PSALMS PSALM -2

semitic proverbs: A SERIES OF PSALMS PSALM -2: 1. Why are the Nations in turmoil and speak in confusion. ...


1. Why are the Nations in turmoil and speak in confusion. 2. The l eaders have taken their stand. And have joined together as one.Against Jehovah and Jesus. 3. Saying, let us break free of his authority, Andput his laws aside. 4. The very one in the Heavens will laugh.Jehovah, himself willhold them in dersion. 5. At that time he will speak to them in his anger.In his hot anger he will disturbe them. 6. I and even I hVE Installed my choice of King. ( Jesus ). on my holy mountain. 7. Let me refer to the of Jehovah. " You are my Son ltoday I have become your Father" 8. Ask of Me, I may give you Nations as your inheartance, And And the ends of the Earth as your possession. 9. You will break them with an iron scepter.Ss though a potter vessel broken to pieces. 10. Let your selves be corrected leaders of the Earth. Serve Jehovah with fear oh Judges. 11. And have joy, in trembeling. 12. Kiss the Son, that he may not become inincesed. So that you may not perish. 13. Because hia anger flares up quickly. Happy are those taking refuge in him.

Friday, May 19, 2023

semitic proverbs: A Series of Psalms Number-1

semitic proverbs: A Series of Psalms Number-1: Happy is a person that does not follow the advice of foolish ones. And does not associate with scoffers of God. Nor cold hearted sinners. ...

A Series of Psalms Number-1

Happy is a person that does not follow the advice of foolish ones. And does not associate with scoffers of God. Nor cold hearted sinners. 2. But is hPPY FOR the laws of God, And he reads God,s laws every day.. 3.He will be like a Tree firmly planted by streams of water, And He will produce good qualities =, as a tree will produce good fruit.And every thing He does will succeed. 4. The wicked are not like tha. But they will be blown like leaves on the ground. 5. That is why the wicked will not stand in the judgement. 6 God knows the ways of the righteous, But the ways of the wicked will perish. I invite All to read this psalmin the Bible of your choice.. Also visit,

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

semitic proverbs: Paradise Restored.

semitic proverbs: Paradise Restored.: Isaiah Chapter 11:1-11. Lists some of the promised blessings in the restored paradise on earth.     The wolf will be at peace with the lam...

semitic proverbs: Paradise Restored.

semitic proverbs: Paradise Restored.: Isaiah Chapter 11:1-11. Lists some of the promised blessings in the restored paradise on earth.     The wolf will be at peace with the lam...

semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ?

semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ? :                                                                             ...