Friday, September 3, 2021

Who is King of God's promised Kingdom ?

Jesus taught his disciples to prey for God's kingdom to be established on Earth as it is in Heaven. In the Bible book of Matthew chapter 6:9-13 ( Often referred to as the Lords Prayer) The book of Isaiah, chapter 8:19-9-7 Tells us the important role of the Messiah would be The Son of God, prophesied to fulfill all the responsibilites mentioned in the aforementioned Scriptures. The mircleus birth is mentioned in these scriptures, also mentions The nations would be blessed through his sacrifice of his life to those who place Endureing Faith in Him. Jesus 3 year ministry proclaiming everlasting life in paradise. Healing many of disease, feeding thousands with just a few fish and 2 loaves of bread. Resurecting the dead, And Being put to death, because the pharsies saw him as a threat to be king. And they Ceaser as king. Resurected from the dead as a guatantee that his words were truth. God himself promised that he has selected his Son as the King of the Kingdon. And God rejects all human rullers as King. The book of Psalms, # 2. Also God makes it clear in the book of Danie,2:44 that All human Goverments will be cruahed. And His Son as king, will rule Forever. I encourage all to read these scripture in your Bible, Also you can Google these scripture.

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semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ?

semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ? :                                                                             ...