Saturday, June 20, 2020


                              Some  causes for the turmoil that we see around the world have been brought out into the light as never before. In my opinion, Racism is the #1 Sin that has been exposed and is forcing people to face it, and admit it. Racism has festered for generation after generation. And now must be taken seriously. There are many social ills around the world that have not been addresses by the Governments of the world. Power and money and nonstop entertainment have been the Top priorities since the beginning of Human rule. There is no doubt these have taken Center stage during the 20th century are blossoming in the 21st century. What tho are the root causes for this escalating of these repulsive cravings.  " But know this, that in the last days of this system of things. Critical times difficult to deal with will be here. For people will become lovers of money, Lovers of themselves, arrogant braggers, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to agreement,slanders, and no self control, Lover's of pleasures rather than lover's of GOD. Having an appearance of Godliness, but proving false to it's power. So do not follow their ways of life. Continue in the Christian life taught by Jesus. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

semitic proverbs: The solution for all Mankind

semitic proverbs: The solution for all Mankind:                                        The solution for all Mankind.                                                 In this world of escal...

semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ?

semitic proverbs: How will God's Kingdom be eatablished ? :                                                                             ...